29 September, 21

"Unambiguous interpretations are boring" is Xenia Hausner's authorial position in the exhibition catalogue True Lies.

Continuing to promote contemporary art, the Aksenov Family Foundation has supported the release of a catalogue for Ksenia Hausner's exhibition True Lies. Opening of the exhibition took place on September 28 in the Gallery of 19th-20th century European and American art at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition will run until January 16, 2022 and will allow the domestic public to view a retrospective of works by the contemporary Austrian artist.

Thanks to the catalogue, which presents the exhibits and a number of essays by leading art critics, the Russian-speaking audience can discover the essence of picturesque theatricalization of life on the canvases by Xenia Hausner. The artist grew up in an artistic environment, studied scenography in Vienna and London, created sets in cooperation with the world's most famous theatrical institutions and as a result decided to become a "director of her own scenic plays", dedicating herself to figurative painting.

The exhibition features 30 paintings by Xenia Hausner, openly proclaimed as theatrical staging with a multitude of possible viewer interpretations. The very title of the exhibition "True Lies" is conditioned by this author's position.

Art "strives to reveal the truth through lies. Imagination and fiction help you better understand reality - that is the power of art.
Xenia Hausner
Life is always a question mark. Art should be mysterious, uncompromising and irrational."
Xenia Hausner

In accordance with the principled position of the Aksenov Family Foundation, contemporary art becomes part of the international dialogue and actively helps to build a common vision of the future. The release of the new catalogue of Xenia Hausner's exhibition, supported by the Foundation, is one of the significant fragments of this picture.

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